CASSMedChem research groupat |
Research topicsPROTACsRare DiseasesOther activitiesIAHSP ConsortiumMC4DD |
News3-4/12/2024 Invited talk by Prof. Caron at Cambridge Healthtech Institute’s Inaugural - Next-Gen Degraders & Molecular Glues New Modalities, Targets, Ligases for Induced Proximity and Degradation in Barcelona 12-14/11/2024 Prof. Caron was invited to present her expertise on PROTACs at the SMART Symposium in Shenzhen. It was an exceptional experience and a highly engaging event. 21/10/2024 The MC4DD selections are over and two new PhDs will soon join our group. Welcome! 13/09/2024 New publication about IAHSP: Preclinical alternative drug discovery programs for monogenic rare diseases. Should small molecules or gene therapy be used? The case of hereditary spastic paraplegias